Tom Lachecki

(Tomalak Geret'kal)

The Cloak of The Commons

One might wonder why our absent-minded politicians get a free four-course meal with wine and champagne (financial contributor unknown) with the Queen (and her French counterpart President Sarkozy, who actually does something, with his beautiful wife), and up to £750 for a free TV without even having to declare their expenses. Gordon Brown softened it […]

Kids These Days

The BBC is reporting that, after 30 years of playground antics, Grange Hill is going off air. The primary reason cited is that it's gone out of date.

Eight Hundred Grand to Aspire

As the University of Nottingham's new campus project continues to push on, at least a part of it has become more high-profile. BBC News is reporting that "Aspire" — the planned steel girder sculpture on the Jubilee expansion — will be 60 metres tall, making it "Britain's tallest free-standing work of public art".

No, WPA Does *Not* Require Vista

I read today on BBC News that — no real surprise here — WEP is broken. I suspect it has been hackable for some time, but the BBC tends to lag behind somewhat when it comes to sensational news about new hacked encryption protocols.

The Facebook Agenda

Facebook seems to have begun some sort of campaign to remove dissent from the ranks of its members.

Windows Is Brilliant

Microsoft are once again in the midst of a scandal involving their self-awarded right to access their customers' PCs without permission.

Man Dies On Internet, Let's Ban It

A man named Kevin Whitrick has been in the news today for having hanged himself in front of a webcam, whilst users of an 'insult chatroom' urged him on and tried to discourage him varyingly. The live suicide actually occured back in March but has hit headlines again because a coroner has decided that such chatrooms should all be banned.


So, whilst some of the British Muslim community is fighting for the right to wear their traditional dress and conceal themselves, others prove exactly why allowing this is dangerous.

License to Kill?

The BBC points to what is possibly the country's oldest active driver.

First Wave Of Vista Disillusionment

Computer manufacturers are now beginning to see first-hand the general disillusionment with Windows Vista.

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