I've gone on a couple of times about how the recording industry on the whole needs to get used to the idea that embracing the internet as a free medium is a positive thing.
I've gone on a couple of times about how the recording industry on the whole needs to get used to the idea that embracing the internet as a free medium is a positive thing.
Now, do I upgrade to Firefox v2.0 or not?
Yay, Weird Al! Everyone's favourite parody artist has taken to "happily crediting the internet for his latest album htiting the top ten on the Billboard charts (his first ever top ten hit)".
Don't you just love it when bigshots make up the rules and expect everyone else to agree?
Over the past few months we've seen more and more examples of attempting to brainwash kids into believing that all the new-fangled spy technology destined to restrict our freedom is actually a good thing.
Although I've not really written about it before, watching the torrent of patent abuse and anti-Google lawsuits has had me entertained for a good few weeks. In particular, a bunch of Belgian newspapers objected to Google's indexing of their content citing 'copyright violation' and demanded royalties, ignoring the fact that far from really benefiting Google […]
Just weeks after Facebook signed a hastily-prepared Microsoft ad deal and went super-stalker on its users by trying to enter the big scene with new high-scale features, it's going as far as to consider selling to Yahoo!. Apparently a sale has been on the cards for a while although it's the first I'd heard of […]
I'm getting a little bored with a certain unnamed corporation using its leverage to manipulate its customers, but grateful that it's at least getting noticed for its current policy of not limiting Critical Updates material to actual critical updates.
Earlier in the week I reported on the extensive changes to Facebook which had a huge proportion of people – in numbers heading towards a million – up in arms. Well, it seems the continued outrage and growing online media coverage forced the creators of the social networking service to re-think their ways. They did exactly what they should have done in the first place: given the user control.
The new bizarrely-named 'Feed' (which has nothing to do with RSS or Atom or XML at all) is the replacement of the default "you've just signed in" homepage, which lists every move/edit/action taken by your friends in recent days. This includes new wallposts (profile comments), added photos, information added/removed from their profile and newly created friendships.