Tom Lachecki

(Tomalak Geret'kal)

Tomalak's Tuesday Tip #11: Sleep Your Way To Success

Tempted to count the passage of CPU time with the clock() POSIX call? Be careful.

Thoughts on V: "Mother's Day"

V's second season ended on a doozy, though I do have a few gripes.

Windows 7's Route To Nowhere

Upon updating Windows 7 for the first time in a while and rebooting, I was soon horrified to discover that I was unable to connect to any remote hosts over the internet. Let's find out why.

Tomalak's Tuesday Tip #10: How to Iterate-Erase Over Maps

Keeping it low-key this week, let's re-iterate (lol) the conventional map-erase idiom in C++.

Tomalak's Tuesday Tip #9: Befriending Your Parser

In an unprecedented feat of miraculousness, Freenode's ##C++ discussion channel saw — in the space of no more than twenty minutes — the same question asked twice of one of C++'s more subtle features. Just how do you declare a friend from the global namespace? I find out.

Shifty Behaviour On The Right

For a while now, I've had a slightly frustrating problem with Windows key mappings. This week it became irritating, so I finally decided to look into a fix… or, at the very least, a workaround.

Clang Breaks Template Rules, Confuses Me

I briefly explore an odd case of misbehaviour from clang.

Tomalak's Tuesday Tip #8: Outsmarting Static Initialization

Right or wrong, it's still trendy in some C++ circles to use the singleton pattern for defining a type that can only be instantiated at most once in an execution run. However, this can cause problems when you bring more static data into the mix.

Tomalak's Tuesday Tip #7: Improving Windows 7

This week I explore how, after struggling with my Windows 7 grinding to a halt over the last few months, I finally managed to get it up to speed again.

It Is Not Called The "STL", Mmkay?

I ask everyone to stop using the erroneous term "STL".

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