Tom Lachecki

(Tomalak Geret'kal)

Kids These Days

The BBC is reporting that, after 30 years of playground antics, Grange Hill is going off air. The primary reason cited is that it's gone out of date. Today's adults grew up with a gritty, hard-hitting TV show that they could relate to, showing the difficulties of teenage life and tackling some taboo subjects which brought these difficulties to the public eye. The consensus is that that's no longer the case.
As one commenter on the post points out, "things have changed too much in both education and society. If Grange Hill were to reflect the lives of teenagers today it would need to be shown after the water shed and not during children's prime viewing slots."

Another says, "It has to be said though, that the age group that this is aimed at would think the antics shown are very tame by today's standards and most kids aren't shocked by such things as the Zammo drugs storyline as they see it in their school as an everyday way of life and lets face it we can hardly have some of today's activities shown in an afternoon children's programme."
That makes you think, though, doesn't it? The point of the watershed would seem to be to shield younger viewers from unneccesary violence, the likes of which they wouldn't otherwise be subjected to. But if we were to make Grange Hill realistic for today's age how could we put it after the watershed? Kids see that sort of thing every day anyway; that's what realistic means.

It demonstrates one of two possibilities (and both may be true): broadcasting rules have gotten far too strict, and even the most important of hard-hitting subjects is being hidden from children out of fear; and Britain's schools are completely out of control.

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On the House of El

I can't understand why people keep fighting over petty differences between major monotheistic religions which themselves came out of polytheism anyway. Jehovah, Abraham, Adam, Allah… they're all characters altered from the original Elohim (plural, "sons of El"), themselves descended from the Caananite Father "El".

Jesus wouldn't have been called Jesus in Roman times; his family and friends would have addressed him as Yeshua or perhaps even Yehoshua. The tetragrammaton itself varies from "Jehovah" and "Yahweh" to "Elohim" and "Adonai" depending on which page you read: early English translators who didn't understand vowel points properly misinterpreted the word and that's the only reason such variations are in use today. Yet societies carry on thousand-year-long wars over the names of their gods.

The differences between most of our contemporary monotheistic religions can be attributed almost entirely to entropy of stories which were once — back when these Gods were supposedly walking the Earth — just one tale. Yet entire civilisations continue to bicker over who's got dibs on a temple. It's ridiculous.

For a segment of humanity so determined to prove that they're better than everyone else and will be rewarded for living such pure, white lives, it seems contradictory that your average religious follower cannot see the forest for the trees and will likely teach his or her children to behave in quite the same way. Then, in another twenty thousand years, we'll have another set of religions and another set of divine names over which people will fight for truth all over again.

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