Tom Lachecki

(Tomalak Geret'kal)

Tomalak's Tuesday Tip #6: An Inclusion Pitfall

One of the evilnesses of the C++ Standard Library is that implementations — be they GCC's libstdc++ or the Dimkumware implementation used by MSVC — are free to have their headers include other standard headers as much as they like. This can lead to confusion.

Overcoming Name Shadowing In C++

I briefly explore a common inheritance gotcha and its usual solution.

Tomalak's Tuesday Tip #5: Synchronous Is Simply Superior

One of the most well-known "web 2.0" buzzwords is AJAX ("Asynchronous Javascript And XML") which, properly known as XMLHttpRequest is a mechanism to provoke the retrieval of data from a webserver at times other than the initial loading of a webpage. You see it when your Gmail inbox refreshes, or when you turn the page in a Facebook photo album. Unfortunately, AJAX is somewhat misunderstood.

Tomalak's Friday Fervent Opinion #1: Tabs Over Spaces

A programmer friend recently revealed that his company has a strict no-tabs policy, and that they are forced to use space indentation… at no fewer than eight spaces. This makes me sad. I explain why.

Tomalak's Monday Monstrous Rant #1: Align Your Asterisks!

I address the age-old debate of C and C++; which pointer initialisation syntax to use?

C++ Variable Initialisation: How To Do It Properly

I compare several approaches to object initialisation in C++.

C++ Lookup And Template Oddities

I explore a few oddities with templates and types in C++.

A Question On Indirect Constness

Why does C++ not allow conversion from T** to T const**?

Tomalak's Tuesday Tip #4: Conventional Thinking

I'm occasionally asked why C++ programmers conventionally use .cpp and .hpp files, what they use them for and what happens if they don't. On the spot I'll usually come out with the template answer that conventions exist for a reason, but I thought I might as well take a moment to explain more fully the reasoning behind this one.

Tomalak's Tuesday Tip #3: When A Macro Is Not A Macro

A question came up on IRC today regarding preprocessor macros and which ones are standard. Amazingly, MSDN does a good job of describing the standard macros and lists those non-standard but conventional macros implemented in Visual Studio. What it doesn't do is mention that some of those macros in fact aren't macros at all, but implicitly defined variables.

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