Tom Lachecki

(Tomalak Geret'kal)

PowerPoint and the Windows MCI

A few months ago a friend came to me with a problem. She is a college lecturer teaching the use of IT programs, including Powerpoint. When compiling a lesson one day she found that she could not persuade Powerpoint to embed a video clip taken on her digital camera. It would play fine when opened in a media player, but not in Powerpoint.

Bit Late For Standards Now, IE

It's nice to hear that IE7 is going to address many of the well-known "sidesteps from convention" when it comes to CSS standards, but isn't the damage already done?

UEStudio's OEM character set

After upgrading my beloved UltraEdit-32 to UEStudio '05 some way through last year, I began noticing that if I copied text from that program into, say, a text field in Firefox, £ signs would become œ signs. Other characters were also affected.

Evolution Of The Web Browser

So I wasn't immensely impressed with my newly installed copy of Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2. It's shiny and nice, and has a few nice features like tabs and feed support, and it's attempted to make security better. All good things, you'd think…

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