Tom Lachecki

(Tomalak Geret'kal)

Question Time

Since I have utterly failed at maintaining Tomalak's Tuesday Tip — though I do intend to pick that up in 2009 — I have reformatted some conversation logs into interview style, as I found them quite interesting on the re-read. Hopefully someone out there might get something out of the ideas of myself and of people I know.

Tomalak's Tuesday Tip #2: String Streams

This week I want to talk about two classes that are both part of the C++ Standard Library, both do similar things and yet are fundamentally different. String streams.

An Open Letter To The Internets

I have yet to figure out why so many people are doing this at the moment, but there's an epidemic of omitting terminating regular expression delimiters.

Tomalak's Tuesday Tip

Today I quickly point out a possible bug that can easily come about in C++ if you're altering interfaces.

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